Music for the defect is working on a video for the song "Let this tension flow". Last saturday we did the first takes in the Groningen landscape. Bouke Mekel and Roeland Dijksterhuis are doing the filming. Beside that Walter does grime and Sjakie is driving us around in his van. We hope to show it to you in the near future.
At the 22th of february we are organizing a show ourselves. In the homevillage of Jaap, Winsum, at a beautiful church (not used for practizing religion anymore) in the historic center. Our good friend (Tizio) Bob Corn from Italy will perform and also female sing/songwritingMerinde (Arnhem). Quiet music, without amplification at a scenic set, what do want more.
Feel welcome to attend the concert, you might want to make a reservation... (jaapolthof@hotmail.com) It's a sunday afternoon matinee, starting at 14 hours.
Price: 5 euro's. See poster down here.

In the end of may and the beginning of june we will do a little Italy tour, thanx to mr Bob Corn! Dates will follow.
Take care,
Jaap (music for the defect)