From now on I will use this blogsite to entertain you with the whereabouts of Music for the defect, my life and all other stuff coming my way. So, paths lead from the MFTD myspace and our www.bouwvakker.org to this blog for more personal information.
Music for the defect just played a nice show at the Qbus in Leiden. Long Converations and Tiny Vipers played there as well but we were really looking forward playing with Damien Jurado. I fell in love with his music some 5/6 years ago I think and followed him ever since, knowing almost all his songs by heart. About the concert, man, it was great. Although the person Damien Jurado might be a grumpy ass of a man (sorry, but I couldn't break through his mood barricades), his music was great, the band was great. They had little contact while playing the set but the music was intense, just as it's meant to be. Eric Fisher (Damien Jurado's steady bandmember) was great talking to. Tiny Vipers really surprised me with cool music, a little experimental sometimes, a little Scout Niblett maybe. She had a nice voice and lots of expression. Long Conversations did their thing without band, a pity I guess. It was a great evening and we owe a big thanks to Paul & Tascha and Marcel WOTNXT booking this show and putting us on the bill.
Down here you can watch a song we played that evening, "hand me down". The picture up here was from another show, in Noordwijk @ the Greenhouse.
Take care,